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Kartica NAKA in aplikacija
Izkusite najsodobnejšo priročnost plačil blockchain s kartico NAKA. Kartica NAKA, zasnovana za brezhibno integracijo kriptovalut v vaše vsakodnevne transakcije, odpravlja tradicionalne bančne težave in ponuja varen, neposreden način za upravljanje vaših financ.
Kako začeti

Začnite uporabljati svojo kartico NAKA

Ste pripravljeni na potop? Aktivirajte svojo kartico s skeniranjem priložene kode QR in sledite preprostim navodilom za namestitev v aplikaciji NAKA.

Direktne transakcije

Uporabite svoje kriptovalute neposredno za vsakodnevne nakupe.

Izboljšana varnost

Izkoristite inherentne varnostne funkcije tehnologije blockchain.

Uporabniku prijazno

Ni potrebe po zapletenih nastavitvah; začnite s preprostim skeniranjem.
Zakaj NAKA kartica

Vsakdo ima pravico do finančne avtonomije

Izdajatelji kartic NAKA ne potrebujejo nobenih licenc, dodatnih aplikacij ali zapletenih sistemov za vkrcanje, da bi svojim uporabnikom ponudili NAKA.

Takojšnja likvidnost

Access instant liquidity with tokenized assets (e.g. real estate, precious metals, crypto).

Brezhibna plačila

Provide seamless payments to underserved industries (e.g. gaming, adult).

Varno nakazilo

Execute remittances securely and in full compliance with all regulations.

Ste pripravljeni?

Kontaktirajte nas za rast vašega podjetja.

Kako kartica NAKA zagotavlja varnost transakcij?

Kartica NAKA uporablja napredno šifriranje in tehnologijo veriženja blokov, kar zagotavlja vrhunsko varnost. Prav tako je v skladu s standardi PCI DSS za zaščito podatkov o plačilih, kar zagotavlja, da so vse transakcije varne in učinkovite.
NAKA plačilno omrežje

Ali je kartica NAKA skladna s predpisi?

Da, kartica NAKA ustreza strogim svetovnim finančnim predpisom, vključno z EU MiCA in TFR, ter spoštuje standarde PCI DSS za varnost plačil.

Kako uporabljati kartico NAKA?

Uporaba kartice NAKA za plačevanje se zdi znana, tako kot uporaba katere koli standardne debetne ali kreditne kartice. Transakcije s čipom lahko dokončate z vnosom kode PIN in opravite tudi brezstično NFC-plačevanje.
Vendar pa je NAKA vključila dve edinstveni varnostni funkciji za dvige in brezstično plačevanje.

Dvojni dotik

Za brezstična plačila se morate dvakrat dotakniti kartice – prvič za nastavitev plačilnih pogojev in drugič za potrditev transakcije.
To zagotavlja natančnost in varnost ter ščiti pred nepooblaščeno uporabo ali morebitnim izkoriščanjem prenosnih sistemov POS.

Enourni prag

Za neposredne dvige iz aplikacije boste morali počakati eno uro in se nato vrniti, da potrdite prenos. To je namenjeno preprečevanju poštenih napak in omejitvi izpostavljenosti nepooblaščeni uporabi vaših naprav.
Začnite z brezplačnim MATIC-om

Upravljajte svojo storitveno denarnico in verižni žeton

Ponujamo nekaj MATIC za transakcije v verigi blokov za lažji začetek, ne glede na to, ali uvozite zunanjo denarnico ali ne. Imejte to za dobrodošlico.
Ko bo vaš žeton storitve nizek, boste prejeli obvestilo. Storitvena denarnica obravnava izključno MATIC na Polygonu in jo boste morali napolniti prek nastavitev računa v aplikaciji. V denarnici za porabo bo prikazan tudi vaš lastni MATIC, če je na voljo v vaši uvoženi denarnici.
Pogosta vprašanja

Imate še vprašanja?

Če imate več vprašanj ali potrebujete dodatna pojasnila, je naš razdelek s pogostimi vprašanji tu, da vam pomaga. Poiščite hitre odgovore na najpogostejša vprašanja.
Can my company issue NAKA Cards, under our own specifications and requirements?

Yes! The NAKA Card was created to adjust to each issuer’s needs and requirements. Get in touch with our team here and let’s get started.

Is there a mobile app available for managing my NAKA Card?

Yes, the NAKA Pay App is available for both Android and iOS devices, allowing you to manage your Card settings and transactions. Find out more here.

Can I use my NAKA Card to withdraw cash?

The NAKA Card doesn’t currently support withdrawals, but this feature will be available in the near future.

How do I recover my account if I forget my PIN or lose access to the app?

Use your Recovery Phrase to restore your account. Make sure to store your Seed Phrase securely and never share it.

What security features does the NAKA App have to protect my information?

The app uses advanced encryption, PIN verification, and allows only you to control your private keys and Seed Phrase. For more information on NAKA’s security system, go here.

How do I top up my NAKA Card with crypto assets?

Use the top-up feature in the NAKA Pay app, transferring crypto from your preferred wallet or service provider. More information here.

Can I import a new outside wallet after onboarding?

NAKA Pay accounts are tied to a specific wallet. If, while onboarding, you chose to create a new one with us, that will be the definitive wallet for that account. What you can do, however, is create a new account and then import your preferred outside wallet.

Can I manage multiple NAKA Cards within the app?

No, each account on the NAKA Pay App must be connected to a single physical Card which will, in the future, support several currencies of your choice.

What is the process for replacing a damaged NAKA Card?

You can request a new Card through the NAKA App if your Card is damaged or malfunctioning.

How can I set or change spending limits?

Adjust your spending limits via the Payment Card Settings in the NAKA App.

Do I need to do any KYC to use the NAKA Pay app?

Yes. NAKA is fully compliant with all applicable regulations, so what KYC will look like may depend on where you are located, but you can expect some form of it.

Are there transaction fees with the NAKA Card?

No hidden fees, but Gas fees on the Polygon network are required for transactions. When you activate your Card, an amount of MATIC will be provided by NAKA free of charge and stored on your service wallet accessible through the Account Settings page.

How can I connect an outside wallet to NAKA Pay?

The flow is automated and very simple and can be performed as you are onboarded. If you are already onboarded and selected a brand new NAKA Pay wallet, you will have to create a new account in order to connect an outside wallet.

Where can I use my NAKA Card?

The Card is accepted globally at all merchants that support the NAKA Network. You can find all our merchants here.

How do I top up or withdraw funds from the NAKA Pay app?

Both activities have dedicated buttons right in the main page.

  1. Click "Top-Up" to get all the necessary address information for receiving a transfer, along with a QR code for added convenience. Remember to select the Polygon network when topping up to ensure the transaction goes smoothly.
  2. Once you click withdraw, you’ll be asked for an address. Do keep in mind that for safety reasons you will have to return to the app one hour later to confirm any withdrawal.
What should I do if my Card is lost or stolen?

Scan the QR code with the NAKA Pay App to activate your Card instantly. Go here for more information.

How do I activate and link up my NAKA Card?

Immediately freeze or block your Card through the NAKA App to prevent unauthorized use.

  1. Access the Payment Card Settings within the NAKA Pay App, and then click “Safeguard Your Card”.
  2. Locate the “Block of Freeze Card” option, which will lead you to the “Card Management” section.
  3. Freeze or Block the Card:
    1. To temporarily disable the Card, select ‘Freeze Card’. This can be reversed by selecting ‘Unfreeze Card’.
    2. To permanently disable the Card due to loss or theft, choose ‘Block Card’. This action requires you to get a new Card as it cannot be reversed.
Poiščite nas v bližini

Raziščite lokacije NAKA

Odkrijte lokacije NAKA prek aplikacije. Preprosto poiščite in obiščite naše lokacije, da v celoti izkoristite svoje storitve kartice NAKA. Naša aplikacija ponuja posodobljene informacije o vseh lokacijah NAKA, kar zagotavlja, da vedno veste, kam iti.

Ste pripravljeni?

Download the NAKA App Now.